Helping to solve the housing crisis.

Huddersfield Road, Oldham.


We don’t just provide a room and a bed…


In addition to our concern for homelessness, we can also see that the way in which our immediate environment and larger atmosphere are currently being treated is not ideal for a sustainable future. We have plans to install sustainable energy sources throughout all of our homes and in replacement of the usual smoking shelter/yard we also plan to implement grow gardens containing seasonal vegetables for all our tenants to promote sustainable eating and responsibility.


We would like our properties to be focused on community spaces and an individual’s responsibility to support that group. We encourage a tidy, clean area in all our communal spaces and have a report system in place to ensure every tenant is doing their bit. We will also have posters around the kitchen encouraging certain practices such as a cooking night for each tenant and games available to play in the common areas..


The Helping Hands brand is to be carried out throughout each scheme, with branded wallpaper, colourful furniture and bright fittings.
Adding an element of fun to all our properties means a lot to us, as we know our tenants may have come from a dark place, we’d like to bring brightness and colour into their lives.